Sunday, March 28, 2010

GAA Artist Spotlight: Lucy Cadwallader

York artist Lucy Cadwallader re-creates the lost art of Victorian hair jewelry. From the 1500’s through to the Victorian era the hair of loved ones was woven and used to create bracelets, earrings, necklaces, watch chains and lockets. The pain-staking process of creating a piece of hair jewelry can take anywhere from 8-10 hours or even days depending on the size and detail of the piece. The hair is sorted, counted and then strands are tied into groups. From there the work is done on a circular table wheel that Lucy had to travel to Europe to procure. Lucy demonstrates her art at museums and living history sites and she does commission work to signify a marriage, a child’s first hair cut or the loss of a loved one. The most rewarding part of her work and passion is when she can help someone to grieve and tie families together.

Read more about Lucy here.
(pictures courtesy of Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)

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